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About St. George's Church Netherfield

St. George's Church Netherfield is firmly rooted in the Anglo Catholic tradition of the Church of England. We are part of the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham and within the Gedling Deanery. We are under the Pastoral Care of the Bishop of Beverley. We also belong to the Mission Society of St. Wilfrid and St. Hilda.

The Church of St. George the Martyr is situated in the centre of the small town of Netherfield, 3 miles east of Nottingham, just outside the city boundary. The church was built in 1885 to serve the rapidly growing population, at that time, of railway workers and their families. it is the Parish Church for the town of Netherfield.

We are a small, friendly and welcoming congregation who seek the Lord Jesus in our love and care of each other. We treasure our Anglo Catholic tradition but we are modern rather than fossilised in our worship. As a church we are looking for the growth of Christianity within our community and growth in our congregation. Our worship is centred around our Sunday Parish Mass.


St. George's Church is open every Sunday for our Parish Mass at 11am.
This is a Sung Mass with Sermon. 
A wide variety of traditional hymns and newer worship songs are included in this service along with easy to sing Mass settings. 
Full traditional ceremonial but in a friendly relaxed setting.
If no priest is available Holy Communion is received from the Reserved Sacrament.

Tea/coffee is served after the service.

Our Weekday Mass is at 10.30 am on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
A quiet Said Mass followed by coffee and a chat.
This service may be occasionally moved to a different Tuesday if a priest is not available.



Service Times

All Welcome

Parish Mass

11.00am Every Sunday


Weekday Mass

10.30am - 2nd  Tuesday of each month when a priest is available



Christmas Mass with Carols and Blessing of the Crib

Christmas Eve at 7pm

A traditional Midnight Mass style service at an earlier time.


Sunday 22nd December - 11am Parish Mass for 4th Sunday in Advent

Sunday 29th December -11am Parish Mass with Carols

Sunday 5th January - 11am Epiphany Mass with Carols




Daily Prayer

From earliest times, Christians gathered at regular hours during each day and night to respond to God's word with praise on behalf of creation and with intercession for the salvation of the world. By the fourth century, if not earlier, morning and evening had emerged as the pre-eminent hours for the offering of this sacrifice of praise.

The services of Morning and Evening Prayer help Christians of our own day take part in this privelige and duty which belongs to all God's people. They may be celebrated in a very simple form, or enriched with a variety of optional chants and prayers.

The Church of England Daily Prayer feed is here. The Daily Office is a way of praying with the church community worldwide in a service which has been part of the Christian tradition from the very earliest times.

Morning Prayer          Evening Prayer         Night Prayer (Compline)

today                                  today                           today       


Children Praying

Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:

In the Parish: Mr Chris Cook, Parish Safeguarding Coordinator,

In the Diocese: The safeguarding team, 01636 817200 or 07917 693285,

Out of Hours for Children & Adults:
Nottinghamshire: 0300 456 4546
Nottingham City Council: 0115 876 1000
Bawtry: 01302 796 000

Contact Us

Parish Priest:

St. George's, Netherfield, is currently in a period without a resident priest.

Please contact the Churchwardens or PCC Secretary if you require any information concerning our church.



Mr Chris Cook (P.C.C.Secretary):

Mrs Lilli Barnett (Churchwarden)

0115 952 6478

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